About North Star SFAA-PAC
Northstar PAC is a state (Minnesota) political action committee (PAC) developed for the benefit of agents and employees who want a better opportunity to participate in public policy and to advance the insurance marketplace in a manner that benefits consumers, agents and employees.
Our Purpose
Support candidates who understand and support the industry of insurance and small business owners in the state of Minnesota.
Message from North Star SFAA-PAC chairperson
Hello and welcome to our new web site. This site will help to keep our members and potential members informed of upcoming events and also give you progress reports on the PAC’s activities and areas of interest and involvement. Please take some time to browse thru the new site. You can see we have made it easy for you to join and make a contribution.
The North Star SFAA-PAC was formed to provide our agents and associates an active voice in our state’s political process. We feel that with the complexity of our business and today’s political climate there is a need for agents and associates to become more and more involved in the political arena. Our goal is to influence, educate and support those individuals in state public offices as well as support candidates running for office who support our company and our industry’s position on matters pertaining to insurance issues.
In our first year of operation we supported many candidates who were successful in their run for office. The last legislative session was one marked by the fact that economic issues dominated the entire session. The 2012 election and subsequent legislative session will no doubt be one where many more issues will come before the legislators that may impact us. Revising no-fault benefits, homeowners’ claim rating, credit scoring and other underwriting and claims handling matters are all issues being floated about the capital in committees, sub-committees and upcoming hearings. We need to have a voice in all of these matters and unknown ones that will no doubt come up.
If you are a member of the PAC, we hope you continue to support it by your contribution and participation. If you are not a member I encourage you to join as this is the one group that will continue to work to support you. No matter where you are in your career I hope you can see that the opportunity afforded to you was built by those that came before us. We want to make sure this same opportunity is available to you and those that come after you. Politics is not a spectator sport, now is the time to get off the bench and in the game!