Why should I be interested in a PAC?
As a business owner and insurance agent are you aware that legislation and regulation at both the state and federal level can dramatically impact your business? Including your ability to manage profitable growth and offer our customers a wide variety of products at competitive prices? Our public policy-makers cannot be experts in every field. In fact, very few understand the complexities of our business. The responsibility therefore falls on each of us, as constituents and insurance professionals, to educate our elected officials. Only education can ensure the decisions they make are based on accurate information and an understanding of the expected impact of those decisions on insurance consumers.
In addition to getting to know our legislators and educating them on our issues, it’s also critical that we have a visible impact on the election process. We need more legislators in office who have met a payroll and created jobs. One way to influence elections and increase engagement in the political process is by forming a Political Action Committee.